Mercy Team

Our Mercy Team exists to help members of East End Fellowship connect with our East End neighbors with spiritual, relational, and financial support. The Mercy Team stewards EEF’s Mercy Fund, connects residents to a range of social and economic resources in broader Richmond, and seeks to walk alongside them on a path toward spiritual, social, and economic flourishing.

The Mercy Team accepts applications for assistance on a rolling basis. Once an application is received, the Mercy Team will schedule a time to meet with the applicant to get to know them a bit better, understand their current situation, and pray with them. After this meeting occurs, members of the Mercy Team meet and pray together about how to best assist the applicant. Once a decision is made, the applicant will be contacted by the members of the Mercy Team who they met with and will be informed of the decision.

Our aim is to process applications quickly and also to reach decisions in a timely manner. We help applicants to connect to available resources soon after that.

Get In Touch

If you would like to connect with the Mercy Team or fill out a Mercy Team application, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!